Interim Pastor Tom Frey
Pastor Tom Frey, 72, is a 3rd generation Lutheran pastor. His grandfather, father, and an uncle were also Lutheran Pastors (for a cumulative total of 183 years.)
Pastor Tom graduated from Arlington HS (Ohio) in 1970; from Capital University in Columbus in 1974; and Trinity Seminary in 1978. In 2017, he retired from St John Lutheran Church of Sunman, Indiana which was the first church that his father served in as pastor.
Pastor Tom and Linda have six children, twenty-one grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. There children live in Ohio, George, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
Pastor Tom is a "snow-bird" also owning a home in Defiance, Ohio. His winter address is 5551 Luckett Rd. Lot D-100, Fort Myers, FL 33905. His email is freydaze52@yahoo.com
Pastor Tom is honored to be our interim pastor and is anxious to get to know you and share this ministry we have together!
Pastor Tom graduated from Arlington HS (Ohio) in 1970; from Capital University in Columbus in 1974; and Trinity Seminary in 1978. In 2017, he retired from St John Lutheran Church of Sunman, Indiana which was the first church that his father served in as pastor.
Pastor Tom and Linda have six children, twenty-one grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. There children live in Ohio, George, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
Pastor Tom is a "snow-bird" also owning a home in Defiance, Ohio. His winter address is 5551 Luckett Rd. Lot D-100, Fort Myers, FL 33905. His email is freydaze52@yahoo.com
Pastor Tom is honored to be our interim pastor and is anxious to get to know you and share this ministry we have together!

James Kreger
Organist & choir director
Jim earned a Bachelor's of Fine Arts at the University of South Dakota. He has studied with Dr. Charles Krusenstjerna, Dr. Robert Marek, and Genieveve Truran.
He was a faculty member at the Armed Forces School of Music Clarinet Faculty 1969-1972.
Jim has been an organist/choir director at Ft. Story Army Chapel, Dam Neck Naval Chapel, Kahului Union church - Maui, HI, 1st Presbyterian - Havana, FL, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Flagstaff, AZ and Faith Lutheran Church, Lehigh Acres, FL.
Jim has 30 years of Professional Orchestra Management and he is a published composer. St. Peter is blessed to have Jim as our organist.
He was a faculty member at the Armed Forces School of Music Clarinet Faculty 1969-1972.
Jim has been an organist/choir director at Ft. Story Army Chapel, Dam Neck Naval Chapel, Kahului Union church - Maui, HI, 1st Presbyterian - Havana, FL, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Flagstaff, AZ and Faith Lutheran Church, Lehigh Acres, FL.
Jim has 30 years of Professional Orchestra Management and he is a published composer. St. Peter is blessed to have Jim as our organist.

deacon lisa r miller
digital ministry coordinator
Deacon Lisa moved to Florida in May 2019 from Wisconsin. She has been an ordained ELCA Deacon since March of 2014. Lisa previously served at Bethel Lutheran Church, Madison, WI for 5-1/2 years and Peace Lutheran Church, Fort Myers for 1 year. She has been a member of Grace Lutheran Church in Monroe, WI since 1968.
Deacons are called to serve on the Word and Service roster in the ELCA; and provide care and nurture of the whole people of God, equipping them in the Christian faith through Word and Service. My areas of emphases are Administration, Christian Education and Worship. I am excited to unite my years of experience with my spiritual gifts to carry out my call to serve God at St Peter.
Often you will find Lisa at one of Southwest Florida's many beaches. She is an avid reader and loves caring for her grandson, William, every day. Many hours are spent doing 1000 piece puzzles; favorites being scenery (often beaches), books, and cats.
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8)
Deacons are called to serve on the Word and Service roster in the ELCA; and provide care and nurture of the whole people of God, equipping them in the Christian faith through Word and Service. My areas of emphases are Administration, Christian Education and Worship. I am excited to unite my years of experience with my spiritual gifts to carry out my call to serve God at St Peter.
Often you will find Lisa at one of Southwest Florida's many beaches. She is an avid reader and loves caring for her grandson, William, every day. Many hours are spent doing 1000 piece puzzles; favorites being scenery (often beaches), books, and cats.
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8)

Trudy Archer
office administrator
Originally from northern Ohio near Cleveland, Trudy Archer has been a member of St. Peter ELCA since February of 2008. She worked in Purchasing and Production control for a major food processing equipment manufacturer in Sandusky, Ohio before moving to be near her daughter and granddaughter in Fort Myers in 1998. She most recently spent several years as the manager of the American Legion here. Trudy was the recording secretary for church council for four years and then joined council for four more years. New in the capacity of Office Administrator since February 2020, she looks forward to serving God and this congregation.

Beth Redeker
My family and I relocated to Fort Myers, FL from Mayville, WI in July 2016 desperate for sunshine and great weather all year round! We enjoy bicycling, walking, shelling, basically anything outdoors, as well as listening to live music. My other passion is working with numbers. I have 2 wonderful teenagers, a crazy dachshund and a great husband of 15 years.